Windows 7  Ping in Fps online game problem
I downloaded windows 7 pro recently, after i had windows vista... I have toshiba Satellite L305-S5934, 32-bit system, windows 7 pro THE ISSUE IS: While playing online games (i mean Fps online game) my ping spikes i mean its high and stay that way..... it just go back as it originally should be when i turn my sound drive off. It originally should be 60-70 >> it become 130-200 (Didn't had the problem when i had windows vista) i actually tried downloading windows 7 on 2 other laptops... and it seem that the game worked fine there... the problem seem with my computer and windows 7... (the computers that i tried it on are, one is toshiba, and the other is HP) I tried to reinstall windows 7 on my computer, maybe some error in installation, but the problem remained. I tried all the sound drivers available, including the beta one's from Realtek official web, and toshiba web: , and , and it didn't work. I tried running the game on compatibility mode, it didn't work either. It's like i tried all kind of options..... but nothing seem to work (the only thing that worked is turning off my sound drive, it fixed the ping. but i would have to play without sound) pls help. The game that i play is Crossfire, ( ............................................................... Note that this problem might not even be Sound drive related, there might be other problem causing it, pls help. For instance: the Hadi--PC even though i troubleshoot, it doesn't fix the problem.
October 1st, 2010 7:25pm

At last found the solution this is the entire thread. quick rundown... Read this and follow the instructions. I had both ping and FPS lag after I upgraded to Win7 64-bit, this fixed everything. Even if this doesn't fix the problem you're having, it will not harm anything to do this, so you might as well go for it and see what happens. There is a decent chance it might fix your problem. That's the reason why I asked if he has lag without the sound device. Also but don't do nothing to about the MMCS Service. Quick Fix: The best way to test if you have this problem is to disable your sound device in Device Manager and then see if the lag persists. If it does, you have some other issue. If the lag goes away, re-enable your sound device and try the following fix: Quote: Leave the multimedia class scheduler service running, but disable its network throttling "feature": * Open regedit * Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile * There will be an entry for network performance throttling, default value is 10; set it to FFFFFFFF hex (willl look like 0xFFFFFFFF to the right of the entry) * Reboot I asked my question in the online game site that play, and it didn't took a day a guy respond with the solution that worked.
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October 4th, 2010 4:18pm

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